Ratings and achievements

The Bar Association is recommended in 5 nominations of the Forbes Club Legal Ranking in 2022 in the following categories:
"Inheritance Planning", "Family Law / Prenuptial Agreement", "Maintenance of International Disputes", "Family Disputes / Divorce Proceedings", "Structuring Assets Abroad / Protecting Personal Assets Abroad".
The Bar Association was recognised as one of the best law firms in Russia in "Family and Inheritance Law" category by Forbes Club Legal Research - 2021
"Inheritance Planning", "Family Law / Prenuptial Agreement", "Maintenance of International Disputes", "Family Disputes / Divorce Proceedings", "Structuring Assets Abroad / Protecting Personal Assets Abroad".
The Bar Association was recognised as one of the best law firms in Russia in "Family and Inheritance Law" category by Forbes Club Legal Research - 2021

In 2021, the Bar Association was recognised by Kommersant rating in the following nominations: federal rating "Family and Inheritance Law"; regional ratings "Health Care and Pharmaceuticals", "Industry", "Dispute Resolution in General Courts".

Best Lawyers Russia, 2018‑2022
Ksenia Shved is included in the Best Lawyers rating; recognised Lawyer of the Year - 2021 in the "Family law" category

Pravo.ru-300, 2015‑2021
The Bar Association is included in the rating of the best legal companies in Russia in the categories "Family and Inheritance Law" and "Dispute Resolution" according to the annual rating Pravo.ru-300 in 2015-2021.

Pravo.ru-300, 2013‑2018
In 2013-2018, the Bar Association was included in the Top-50 best law firms according to Pravo.ru-300

Delovoy Petersburg, 2017
Ksenia Shved - Lawyer of the Season (summer-2017)

National Bar and Advocacy Award "Triumph", 2015
In 2015, Ivanovy and Partners Bar Association was awarded the highest professional prize in the field of advocacy called "Triumph".